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Joy of moving. MindMovers&ImaginAction


Game by Rosalba Marchetti, Diego Latora, Edoardo Fogli
From 7 years

Description of the game

A play area with well-defined sides. The group of children is divided into three teams of equal number: the sunflowers with their ribbon-heads inside the field, the greedy crows without any ribbons outside it, and the scarecrows who can move with ribbons only along the sides of the field. The crows have to peck (with their hands) as many sunflower seeds (the sunflower children's ribbons) as they can in a minute; each time a sunflower is touched, they have to leave the field and then return from a different side. To stop the crows from getting into the field, the scarecrows can create a barrier by moving the ribbons or by touching the crows with their free hand. The crows that are touched can continue playing but they have to try and get into the field from another side. When one or two minutes are up, the points are counted (the seeds the crows have taken) and the three teams swap roles.


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